Company Secretarial
Our firm provides comprehensive company secretarial services to guarantee compliance with all legal and statutory requirements in Botswana and provide you peace of mind.
Corporate Governance
Our specialists provide comprehensive guidance on corporate governance, ensuring you comprehend and execute your duties and responsibilities with efficacy.
Administrative Support
Our services include the maintenance of statutory records and the provision of administrative support to enhance the efficiency of your business processes.
What is CIPA?
Formerly the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property (ROCIP), The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) was established by an Act of Parliament in 2011 (Companies and Intellectual Property Authority Act, (Cap. 42:13) to promote and enable full protection of the rights of investors and right holders obtained under the Companies Act, Registration of Business Names Act, Industrial Property Act and Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act. CIPA is now a Parastatal Body with Government under the parent Ministry of Trade and Industry.
What is the CIPA OBRS?
The Online Business Registration System (OBRS) – availability of information on registered companies and business names with a click of button. No need to go to the CIPA offices.
Now that you are online, what will be the duties of a company secretary?
Every company is required to appoint a Company Secretary within three months of incorporation except for Close Companies which are required to appoint Accounting Officers. A Company Secretary has the responsibility of ensuring that the company fully complies with the provisions of the Companies Act. The secretary is obliged to submit changes of name, alterations of the constitution, ensure submission of notices, ensure compliance to annual returns; complete transfers of shares, issue share certificate and keep the share register. Other duties of a company secretary are to:
- Be responsible to the Board of the company for preparation of all post incorporation notices including annual returns and changes.
- Be responsible to the Board of the company for issuing all notices of meetings and respond to all enquiries in relation to notices of meetings.
- Maintain a register of shareholders, directors and secretaries.
- Ensure together with the directors, that the company keeps accounting records.
- Maintain an adequate system of record keeping.
How long does it take to register a company on the OBRS?
With a name reservation approved and all documentation in place the timeline is 1-3 working days.
How secure is my personal information on the OBRS?
The Companies and Business Names registers are public registers. Anyone can search for a company or business name and view their information online. However, private information such as identity numbers, cellphones numbers, email addresses and beneficial ownership details will be hidden from the public.
Link to CIPA website
What Our Clients Say
I have been dealing with Rhoss Proprietary Limited for a few years now and our dealings have been professional, efficient and reliable. Their turnaround time on secretarial requirements is instantaneous.
Justine Blackbeard | Director
Gift Box Pty Limited / Emirates Pty Limited / Blackbeard Serowe Pty Limited
The team at Rhoss are a pleasure to work with and their client service deserves all the credit. Efficient, proactive, and attentive; I cannot recommend them enough.
Obakeng Lebotse | Partner
Bookbinder Business Law
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